Monday, October 21, 2019
From "Mind Wanting More" by Holly J. Hughes
But the mind always
wants more than it has—
one more bright day of sun,
one more clear night in bed
with the moon; one more hour
to get the words right; one
more chance for the heart in hiding
to emerge from its thicket
in dried grasses—as if this quiet day
with its tentative light weren't enough,
as if joy weren't strewn all around.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
"Choices" by Tess Gallagher
I go to the mountain side
of the house to cut saplings,
and clear a view to snow
on the mountain. But when I look up,
saw in hand, I see a nest clutched in
the uppermost branches.
I don’t cut that one.
I don’t cut the others either.
Suddenly, in every tree,
an unseen nest
where a mountain
would be.
There's just as much inspiration here
And then can you believe it I, me, got a hankering to watch a football game for the first time in at least a dozen years. And then can you believe it when we looked up the schedule that was available in our area Penn State was playing Michigan in the prime time game. And then we put on the game and I sat rapt for the next several hours, yelling at the TV occasionally get him or stop im stop him stop him yessssssss, thinking about kaiser rolls with a little mayo, a little mustard, turkey and Swiss and some romaine lettuce and a slice of tomato, generous side of gherkins and dill pickles, Martin's potato chips, remembering the door open to the green-treed yard and my mom yelling, dad on his feet with excitement, missing my siblings, my parents, my childhood dogs. And then can you believe it we won.
All week we have cared for two dogs and Hanna has loved it and aside from needing to wipe down two wet bellies after that chilly impromptu dip in the river so have I
Yesterday we drove the dogs up, up until rain turned to snow and then we hiked through a winter wonderland--snowy creeks, meadows, wooden bridges over water. Evergreen forests tall enough to make you crane your neck
Don't go back to sleep
Hanna you've got this
Four pumpkins perched comfortably about the living room as if they owned the place, one on top of the bookshelf, one on top of the crate tipped sideways and filled with cookbooks, board games, old magazines, one on top of the speaker out of which we blasted 1990s concerts while deep cleaning the apartment with the windows open
As I write Wilson sits on my chest pressing the top of his head into my mouth and I with my arms extended 'round either side of him rest my occasionally kissing lips on his sweet orange little fuzz head
So many vivid dreams this week I'm pretty sure Ben Stiller wanted to fuck me
What I enjoyed more than knowing that he found me interesting was cussing out that dickbag who squeezed my right butt cheek
Most of all what I am enjoying is my waking life--so many family cuddle times and sleeping better and writing more and eating well and reading poetry and remembering to play a bit and, as my guides have suggested, dancing
After we hiked through the creeksides and meadows and forests in snow we all piled back into the car and exclaimed over the fun we'd had
Friday, October 18, 2019
We're all in our amygdalas
Don't put me on a pedestal; I'm no longer willing to do the work to stay on it
Letting myself be a human being these days
Is his desire triggering to me?
When he doesn't ask I slide off the couch and onto my knees
I'm happy for you that you're getting married. I hope it goes well
Life changes go with it
I trusted everything but my own experience
Walk the snowy trail with my tongue sticking out
I'm a see-er
Genius doesn't work on humanity's timetable
Two nights ago four happy dogs of all colors shapes and sizes surrounded me as I dolled out treats and it was one of the best experiences of my entire life
Culture has taught us to worship something that isn't our own hearts
Remember the sound of coyotes howling
Saturday, October 5, 2019
"The last time we met you said YOLO to me"
Sick but still a 20-mile bike ride, worth it
Lying on my back on the couch hair wet from showering
Waiting for the comforter to finish drying so I can put it on the bed, too cold now to sleep without it
I thought of a really cool line earlier
Last week I saw three hawks fighting in the air in front of a cliff
Today during my bike ride I saw two hawks, but this time they were resting on branches in miles-apart trees
Now that someone has told me I'm good of course I'm worried about being a quack
People condescend to my chosen letters and so I don't tell many people
It's not that I care what they think, it's just that I'd rather not deal with it
Amazing to realize that I am needing less external validation. In the past even one person disliking me would be agonizing. Now in many cases I truly do not care
For some reason I am remembering walking and biking through that playground park on the sleepy west (west?) side of that middle-of-the-state town, leaves aflame with Fall
In just a few weeks I have written nearly 30 pages. What will I accomplish when I'm doing this regularly for two whole years? A lot of pages. A lot of writing. A lot of processing. A lot of understanding. A lot of healing. A lot of focusing. A lot of liberation.
That woman had been waiting her whole life for a chance to walk the runway, and even though it was a surprise and she hadn't been practicing she was beyond ready to deliver
You just step up to the plate and play ball
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