Monday, September 14, 2020

Notes to self


Hold your frame. 


It's hard not to be a little wistful sometimes. 

How can women write their anger? 

Not sure if I'm still settling.

Write about the oppressive banality of spending every day hungry.


He still lapses into selfishness. Can I live with that?  


"You are allowed to stay in difficult relationships." - Myriam 


Get your ego in check. 



You can integrate guppie Laura and this one. 

You met on the mountain.


The last four years have been the gift of remembering why nature is worth fighting for.  


I've spent so much time feeling like everyone else knows more than/is cooler than me and I need to constantly apologize/make up for my inadequacy.


Why bother fighting?  


You've gotta open your kindness up again. 


I have a tendency of giving up. 

Would he be able to forgive me as intensely as I've needed to forgive him? 

The question probably means I haven't. 


Get Rich, Lucky Bitch 


Maybe you're already doing enough. 


When I say that I have flashbacks I mean it.