Monday, June 20, 2022

write now


Watermelon and pilea, fraternal twins 

A blue pot and a dark red one 

Reminder to ground 


Buzzed head dyke -- I kinda see it -- 

Granting myself permission 


Queerness is sacrosanct 

I am coming out at the worst possible time


The pink daisies persist 

Twenty days older 


On the morning of our wedding, 

 it's bittersweet. I'm proud of myself for getting here 


What if I made a mistake. What if I bite off my own fingers.  

We bought out all the sunflowers at central market. 



Remember that you need time to rest 

which is probably for the better




Thursday, June 9, 2022

I cannot bring myself to kill the carpenter ant as it traverses the beige rug


It is not because the rug is beige and a smashed ant might discolor it. It is not because I am unaware of the potential damage to the wooden structure of my home should more carpenter ants move into itthough, in truth, my knowledge is secondhand and not necessarily accurate. It is not because I am squeamish (though I am, sometimes, that). It is because the ant is alive. Who am I to end a life?