Monday, February 27, 2017
It looks like a rough plasterer's job
Yesterday he was unsure. Today he let me dribble oregano oil on the pads of his feet.
I hope he feels better.
Golden gnome hat on top of the coat rack.
We buy jumbo pillows made from organic cotton at Costco. We are hoping it will help me sleep better.
I go for a long run, walk the dog who's been at the shelter the longest, buy the pillows, take a bath and read nearly 100 pages from one of the eight new books I've checked out from the library. I am greedy for literature.
Wilson is attacking the fake mouse on the living room rug.
I am feeling a bit worn out.
It is easy to make a basic sandwich cake. But we want them to go much further than that.
She has never curdled a custard before.
I have moved the rosemary plant away from the window and onto the counter by the sink, where it will be warmer.
I needed to go away for a while.