Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Why does this blog get so many referring links from porn sites

It has been so long since I climbed a mountain.

In reality it has been a little more than three months. It feels like an eternity.

Yes I am grateful.

In my dream several people told me that I had chronically bad breath, and I was deeply embarrassed.

It has been so long since I dreamed of crocodiles.

Sure that song may have been a hit but in order to make the music video they collared and leashed a real live leopard and for that I will never forgive them, I will never respect them, and I will never celebrate their song.

I am remembering baking those butter-and-bourbon-filled nectarines in that small upstairs apartment off Dupont Circle, and I hope you're doing well wherever you are now.

He has purchased four almond poppyseed muffins for the low low price of $1.49. I will enjoy them vicariously when he warms them up in the toaster oven, slices them in half, and melts a pat of butter on either side. Meanwhile I will slather almond butter onto a large organic banana or glug down one of those pea protein and collagen shakes I got for free in the mail. For dinner this evening I had wilted spinach cooked into dairy-free, gluten-free rice mac 'n "cheeze," which is kind of outrageous.

I am learning about sweet and bitter and salty and boiling. He removes the candy thermometer from the syrup and adds the heavy cream. Cyprus flake salt is very dramatic looking but surprisingly mild in flavor. 

How is it after 10 pm already. Today has been a busy day.

I had hoped to purchase an orange this evening, but there were no oranges at the grocery store. There were only grapefruits.