That title is Wilson's contribution to this monologue, and far be it from me to erase what little paws have written.
The way the game works is this: If you are caught saying the words, somebody else gets to keep your necklace.
She gave me the jam because she knows how much I like jam.
Before I eat dinner, I'm gonna eat a little jam appetizer.
There isn't anything to get back to. You just evolve and you leave it all behind and you take everything with you.
People tell me their secrets.
There is a line in my journal that I didn't finish writing. It starts like this: How many times have I sought com
While he makes toast in the toaster oven she is piping it nicely with a little nozzle, a few roses, and then giving it a good blowtorch.
He has put some corn syrup in there. We'll see.
You just gotta wait for these things. You can't rush it.
I am 90 percent sure it is the chockecherry jam.
God, please care for the Earth and all of her creatures.