Tuesday, January 2, 2018

"Grandma's Outside Painting Moonscapes"

Well I did it

I made something and I shared it, and I'm pretty sure it went well

Good way to start the new year

Also doing morning planks and squats and pushups on the rug in front of the refrigerator

Also eating one large grapefruit, two fried eggs, and a gluten free muffin for breakfast, hot off the skillet

Also coming home famished after five hours of sharing what I made, eating curry and salad and relaxing into a release more than a month in the making 

Also dozing on the loveseat at the end of the day, Wilson tucked into my left arm and Hanna curled under my right

Also walking sleepily to the bedroom, snuggling under the blankets and around the soft warm animal of his body

Also showering with the almond-and-peppermint holiday soap, upturning my face to the hot water, scrubbing off the grime accumulated over the last 12 months to make way for a year of courageousness