Tuesday, June 25, 2019
"He's the guy who you want to see pushing a stroller around a park"
I like that Peter makes me feel like a woman.
Sometimes I think it must be the most intense, romantic thing ever and that it's going to be so good when it finally happens and other times I think that I must be nuts, that it could never be as good as I imagine it to be, that if it were supposed to happen wouldn't it already have happened because who would want to wait this long to start living the rest of their life
So much laundry to fold I think I have time
God I'm so over men and women slutshaming women
Goodness remember when I used to have sex with lots of different people
Remember when I hung out with a man who was extremely particular about how to pronounce the word sauna and who made me so uncomfortable that I asked my friend to sleep beside me on the floor of the living room so that maybe I'd stay safe
These days I wouldn't spend nearly as much time with that creepazoid.
The critters are all asleep and here I am writing and eating black bean chips propped up against a pile of clean laundry. Could somebody please bring me some water
The garden is planted, nearly a month late this year but still, I'm growing three kinds of mint, curry, rosemary and of course thyme, yarrow, salvia, onions, garlic chives, and several species of flowers. Supposedly if I treat them right they'll attract hummingbirds and butterflies and can you imagine here I am at the garden center picking out flowers expressly because they are said to attract butterflies and birds
I never understood people who talked about having walls around their heart because of having been hurt in the past but I think now I do
We're making some honey salts to pour on our bodies