Sunday, July 21, 2019
grass rabbits grass
I wake with the intention of writing; six hours later here I am.
First I read a lot and then I made three sets of quadrants and listed out the pros and cons of all kinds of scenarios before reading again, sharing Reiki with the dog, cuddling with the cat, feeding the critters, doing some laundry. Then of course it was time to take the dog for a walk; I stopped at the local coffee shop for an iced coffee with a hefty amount of soy milk, then we strolled back to the park and sat in the shade for a while, Hanna played with a dog named Spunky while we chatted with Spunky's sitter. At home again I got to work tidying up after a week away, after coming home so tired yesterday that we dumped all the bags inside the door, tucked the perishables into the refrigerator, and called it a night.
Now in a clean apartment drinking black cherry seltzer and listening to Silver Jews here I am, doing this thing that really I want to do with my whole life.
An experimentation in form
tree nodules clustered with rocks and seashells
a grandmother's candle piled high with glitter and intentions
stacks of board games
a purple rock in the shape of a heart
Vietnamese marble carved into an owl
cookbooks filled with recipes much fancier than I am, maybe someday
A jar full of roots