Monday, August 16, 2021

Gasoline danger!



So when I get a little grumpy 

I'm a Level 13 enthusiast 

Daisy is looking for her furever home 

The coffee is tepid. I drink it down 

doesn't want to read writing. doesn't want to hang paintings on the walls. fair enough, the paintings aren't very good. I frame the mountain and place it on top of the dresser

Not looking for pity. Perhaps somewhere a knight quests for it.  

Pity! Wherefore art thou?! 

My mom texts other people support 

K warned me I'd regress 


It's 73 degrees and cloudy 

My butt bones hurt 

Good long ride under the canopy 

I know your attachment style 

Maybe my doubt is on to something

You should say, those feelings are still valid