Sticky surfaces
The scent of onion on my fingers
Tight waistbands
Itchy fabric laid directly against my skin
People who don't actually listen when someone else is talking to them
When people on the internet comment on an article without reading the article
The expectation that everything someone writes or says should accommodate itself around every facet of another person's lived experience, regardless of whether the writing or speaking person knows the other person or whether the writing or speaking person is focused on expressing their own experiences
Men who don't listen when women are speaking
The ways I've debased myself for shitty men's approval
When people say, I shouldn't be eating this, when they're eating something they enjoy eating
Every right-wing politician and most of the Democrats
The smell of lightly decaying food scraps in the drain catcher in the kitchen sink
The incessant high-pitched whir that emits when the battery for the electric leaf blower is charging
Bigotry against bisexuality, most especially from within the queer community
The fact that some people don't like to read and that some other group of people, both overlapping with and distinct from the group of people who don't like to read, doesn't enjoy listening to music
The way Paul Hollywood's opinion is privileged over Prue Leith's opinion on The Great British Baking Show
Any time I can't get a twist-off jar lid to open despite using all my strength. This is poor design that warrants a refund
Mountain biking
When Suzie breaches the baby gate, races up the stairs, and starts gorging herself on Wilson's dry food
Corporate price gouging
A hangnail that's long enough to continuously irritate your cuticle flesh but not long enough to remove with nail clippers
Almost everything my mother says
Jeff Bezos
When you're sharing about something going on in your life that's consternating you and someone says, without you asking, and without them acknowledging that you haven't asked or asking whether you'd appreciate hearing what they're about to say, My advice is...