Monday, June 3, 2024



At least it's Milkshake Monday 

After coating myself in P. incanum oils 

Earthy and redolent 

We walked the dog through the woods and played with her in the creek 

I make the points and then I stop

The deer have eaten my Fragaria

I can see now that you were unavailable 

Back on the bike again 

Only eleven easy miles, drizzly and wonderful 

Soon enough we'll be looping the big ascent 

I have developed some parasocial relationships 

Feels good to know more of what I'm doing 

I no longer feel unmoored 

I do feel, perhaps, a little rudderless 

Still, she is planting 

It takes years to know what's really taken root 

The goslings are getting so big 

Am I supposed to apologize for being cheesy? I mean it 

Remember when I lived in Queens? I ran through Astoria Park several times a week  

The students and I stroll slowly through the rainy gardens, sit describing a bromeliad in the internationally renowned conservatory 

I wish the mountains didn't feel so far away 

Tomorrow I will tend the native garden as children play around me 

Last Friday I waded knee-deep into creek water and splashed about with my dogs 

The wolf pads silently through the forest 

On Sunday I'll learn about birdsong

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