Saturday, January 18, 2025

moon time


Is it always this way at first? Has it been this way before? In the beginning, was it like this, also? Will it similarly change? Am I capable of saying, with certainty, that this time is different? What if the memory of the other times simply has faded? What I mean is, is it possible to practice discernment under these conditions? I mean, is it even possible? Don't our brains and bodies operate autonomously, at least at times, from the witness? Can even the witness be fooled? In the woods, beside the creek, on the crescent rim of a deep, silver pool: Are you supposed to observe, if such a thing is possible, from the water's edge, perhaps dipping one toe into the buoyancy, and then, if it proves reasonable enough to do so, another? Or are you supposed to tumble into it?