signed a petition don't feel good
about it. was it me was it about
me cling dog paws to shoulders beefjerky liverwurst myfather
sick. notsick cheese eyes flanbrain sprinkled
speck of a
holocene heart.
your ego makes you too
small your ego makes you too
big your ego makes it your
fault per(the "i" of the law)
versities unbound
run away
corncob alligators, run away
little girl, run
to the tripknot sweetrose carrotoid art. harbor
molluskrot. secrete corroborobstination.
compensate me.
condensate dew-dripping
caligula, collector of blood-bleeding
thumb. eighth grade pizzatowers, parmesan cropcircle, mouseketeers shouldering
hear me out:
here's the steeple, here pilliated
telescopic headwear marks compass.
lookyou patcheye to the sailing sea.
the trueword is governance.
the trueword is duty.
the trueword is familial obligation.
the trueword is eating me coffeecakecrumble side of fries
codified. underground LAN nameme heretic birthright
clampjaw stick peels rainslick
hallucinations. peak vibrancy matched.
my name is Tom and I'm a peepaholic.
my name is Tom I like to lick windows.
my name is Tom what's yours.
I can clean that for you. I don't know how to go about this. I was born on the wetdark tailtip of an antelope.
foamgurgle saltslurp slicked knobknees
shaking. the vet bows down. hold my hand
hold my hand child, hold
to the backs of eagles resonant hum
of guitars fleet-darkhighways dogearedlibraries caramelmacchiatomocha-freecalwhipeuthanasia
the sincerer form of flattery.
choke down skin-cracked smile, cough to sorethroat perturbations
stinkrags skinheat dirtflesh touchme
I'm warm.
split to graveldust skateboardbandits jabberpunchbuttons on the subway.
touch coldfingers to
calcified buttocks entombed in a lonely memorial. once we sat for something.