Monday, October 7, 2013

(Musical Notation III)


call me call
my faculties duressed I polish cone-
capped avalanches
purple dandelion
woodsmoke. transcend
en trance thomas tankcapital
my dear indubitably do      ex
claim. pialodoshish.

sleepy denia
lists hard tack sticky taped dementia to
bathroom walls. two
yellow ribbons 

things. hardscrabble orphan hair red
bricks and two-
toned shoes. hava, magnificence. 

cart that cartel-bound cartilage out of me. 
stand me on top of my wagon. swing my hips over your head like a shirt. 

swallow me swallowtail. fly me to the moon. 

make it sing, cowgirl. big thumbs knotted 
knees deep in wastewater we mine
the filliage mark this mucksucker: there's gold in this here yet. 

karmic gratification exists in the simplification 
of your life. yesterday i was a goldfish. today you will be a sooted crow. tomorrow she'll be a badger and none of this will matter, so cry before you sleep.     too, 
young friend, you'll never be alone again.

carry on, carry on, courage that you keep.