Saturday, August 31, 2019
79% 88% 91% 100
After we wake in the middle of the night to care for Hanna and then wake a few hours later to hike to that remote alpine lake amidst piles of red stones, we drive home down the long dirt rode through the migrating cattle and stop at the Hawaiian place to pick up some takeout
For lunch I eat raw tuna, thinly sliced cabbage, pickled onions, white rice and hot sauce
I wash it down with a bite of almond butter and some low-sugar orange juice
Raw tuna? Who is this woman!
But then I remember that tuna salad was one of my favorite foods throughout my entire childhood
No salmon for me, thanks
Nevertheless, these days I eat tuna maybe 2 or 3 times per year because people are eating too many of them
I do not suffer for it
The spicy ginger from Vietnam is so good, though at a certain point it hurts my teeth
I am sad that I may not be able to visit my brother in January
I am so excited that I will be going back to school in December
Shall I start writing haikus again?
The lake is so deep
and so eloquent, bugs script
across the water