Wednesday, August 21, 2019
"Why do you want to get married under the water?"
It takes a little whisky and too much Hulu to finally get going. It's been a few days and the impostor syndrome has started to creep its way in. That being said as soon as I start again I feel whole again.
After I called the insurance company the kind woman asked for the mileage reading on my 19-year-old car and I ran outside in bare feet and braless and told her. Then when she asked for my credit card I ran back inside again
What kind of dress do you think you'd wear under the water?
The fact that there are people getting married underwater makes me think I should spend more time being myself.
You are not the lowest hanging fruit.
We laughed while bouncing down the rutted dirt road and backed up to read the hand-etched sign: long-distance cell service, a joke
When I first saw the Polaroid picture that I took to be funny I was horrified to see that the angle and perspective of the shot made me look about three feet wide. Then I watched the young woman give the eulogy at her husband's unexpected funeral and remembered that it so does not matter
What matters is having someone with and for whom to take the funny photo in the first place
I am seriously considering buying a remote cabin in the woods
You are welcome to feel joy