Sunday, February 23, 2020
Started the day with a in my mouth
Blasting Kishi Bashi into my ears from close range to drown metal baskets clanging
He was mean then I was mean then Hanna and I went skiing
through the rain-snow getting wetter no-seeing through sunglasses trusting metal edges on previously corduroyed snow
Do not underestimate girls' agency
What I am learning from reading more and more and more is that I can do it any which way, need to stop imagining audience and write
panicked-blocked it is harder in some ways to be the one who hurts
I guess I got tired of being the one who's hurt
Hanna and Wilson snuggle into my chest hard to be anything but content when you're this loved
The label I have denied myself that feels most truthful is artist
(Give birth to that which wants to be birthed through you)
no way to do it but doing it