Everybody's calling me
I just bounce around like a pool ball.
Who knows, maybe God needed the money more than that kid.
Reclining in sunlight undulating my forearms
That plant cannot go on the mantle any more
The book has a string through it
I was going to say something
Not wearing any underwear
I will never own a smart fridge. If I have to revert to iceboxes I won't
Mother of god, the google search results
A tender heart is your biggest strength
You're going to get out there and stand on your own two feet again
Cowed by Loretta Lynn
Hanna wades up the center of the current
Is Labor Day over already
One lone red leaf on a rock
Frog fruit
Water mint
Frozen fruit
The planters are on sale
Out of hyacinths
If this is my farm then I'll make it
I hope my composter arrives tomorrow
Forgotten what it was to move slow
Fast is painful, my knee buckling in the night
Having to hike anyway. It's too beautiful
If I could bottle this smell and infuse it into my bedlinens it would never cease to make me ache
I think I'm a person who will always have an ache
I am not an aquarium guy