it's got that wildness
it does behoove me
man I'm so attracted to women
maybe he sees more than I think
devotion isn't always intentional
52 minutes of sex and infidelity
releasing the chaotic twenties
You don't have to be perfect
How do you turn yourself off?
How do you turn yourself on?
Maybe sometimes they're trying to reconnect with an older part of themselves
he'll say it's too personal
I bought a wagon-full of flowers
home past the Slow Down
inside to pee
back to the car, tail thumping, and we're off
after yesterday's biathlon
still feels good to walk in the woods
home for lunch salad
the singing boy bringing you to tears
into the yard for planting lobelias
back inside, dancing, candle lit
30 minutes of journaling
when the group zoom turns on I'm gone
back into the yard, planting
native asters, creeping jacob's ladder, scarlet beebalm
I have transplanted the hibiscus
You'll need to rent a stump grinder
it's looking more like you