Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Something is gained by the elimination of the question mark


Can you sit with me and talk this through? 

I'm not nomadic any more 

The gladiators are juicing 

Everything I thought I'd remember I've forgotten 

Where are you now and now and now? 

I hope the poison doesn't come back 

Here is a concrete image to ground you 

The concrete is beige and hard to the touch 

Is it a problem? 

I've mostly stopped dreaming 

Am I simply more real now, more resigned to it? 

Is that progress or regression

Is this why adults need to spend time with children? 

I've grown so much more serious 

In the green-green moss garden where water seeps from stones 

There is a part of me that still wants to sleep under the stars 

Do I remember what it feels like to be alive? 

Is the feeling different now?