Monday, October 24, 2022

I buy all my groceries at the grocery outlet



There I go novelty-seeking again 

Like a generic spa experience

I wonder if I still smell the same 

Ovular beige pumpkin on the solid wood side table

Did he not get to think about it beforehand? 

Pronounce my a's funny 

Writing cursive at four years old

Closest thing to destiny 

The spice girls have arrived 

Can I have just a little spread of this? 

In the morning: hips to hips under warm under flannel sheets 

Inflatable monsters bob from the lit-up lawn 



Pumpkin spice yogurt? That is gonna be so good 

Cute round baby face

All those fresh smiles 

If I had to answer I'd say my accent color is mustard gold 

Can you believe that? 

Come on peperomia you can do it 

I have planted the hazelnut and the poppy, a flowering dogwood, another arrowwood and a compact viburnum 

What's left: a red bud, a black gum, a final arrowwood 

I attempted the black gum but kept hitting hickory roots 

Succession is tenuous 

I can't find the salt anywhere

From remnants of the group Opal 

We already did it so we just gotta forge ahead 

Just got some brownies in the oven 

Can you flick off that overhead? 

We can totally move on 

Smoking flowers in the shower 

Having a house is stressful and expensive and fun 

I have never had this chance before

Walking Hanna in the rain 

Feathered crossing guard: one wild turkey ushers the other seven across the road 

Remember when we saw that pheasant with all the baby pheasants? 

You guys are the freaking cutest and the sweetest and the coolest and the absolute best 

Can you turn off that overhead? 

It just slayed me 

That's why we shop local