Tuesday, October 18, 2022

working on it



Fetch the handsaw. There's a sapling needs cutting


Little bird pecking at the window screen 

The tiny flag planted in the dirt beside the slightly less tiny peperomia

Not Hardy



When did I turn into a coward? 

I guess I shouldn't have left the windows open 

It's getting cold

I have sunk six more woody trees and shrubs into the ground 

Three fast-growing ground covers 

Dozens of perennials 

After I have sawed down the Norway Maple, planted six more trees, tidied up the veggie beds, pulled the ivy, and addressed the compost situation, I will rest 

Well, not really. Next it's sales season 

Stand to full height so the high school boys take me serious 

Talk low and undeterred 

I'm not fucking around

They bought me an electric chainsaw


Before you know it I'll be back in the Adirondacks again 

I'll ski my way into the new year 



Did I mention I've been thinking of you this whole time? 

Stop me if you're tired of hearing it 

Not knowing is really hard 


Officially: the bird bath has a hole in it 

Doing yoga with the lights on 

So grateful to bend again 

It always comes down to the birds


Fall is foliaging 

Showering with coconut shampoo 

Red flannel pajama pants 

Hanna says it's dinner time 

Well, she paws it