Friday, October 28, 2022

Some things I enjoy doing


Raking crunchy brown and orange and red and gold and yellow leaves

Potting up gorgeous plants in pretty pots and finding places for them to thrive inside my home

Interior design and decorating, surprisingly 

Snuggling with Hanna and Wilson 

Reading a good book in a hot bath 

Sitting up in a hot bath with arms by my sides and hands in the water, mind loose 

Ripping out the English ivy on the hill in the backyard--creeping tendrils lifting from shallow roots, dirt spraying 

Walking in the woods 

Spending time with people who are passionate about things about which I am also passionate

Listening to music, especially while driving or via the record player 

Singing, especially in the shower 

Playing (badly) the small keyboard in the front room 

Free writing while sipping a glass of red wine 

Sitting on a chair on the front porch, birdwatching and squirrelwatching and chipmunkwatching 

Seeing people I love feel happy

Gazing over alpine lakes after hiking a long while to get there 


Running my hands through dried beans in large, open-mouthed, burlap bags

Reading gardening magazines 

Fires in the fireplace during the cold, dark days of winter 

Making dinner with and for friends, then eating it together 

Running around the yard with Hanna 

Wildlife sightings 

Shearing Christmas trees

Chatting with my neighbors 

Talking to my sister on the phone 

Snuggling my friends' babies 

Playing and exchanging gifs with my nephew 


Eating almond butter out of the jar with a spoon 

Dipping raw cauliflower in hummus 



Riding my bike