Saturday, December 31, 2022

old-school hydrogen


Did you put some silk in here? 

Should I message you 

A marathon, not a sprint 

Oh how I miss skiing the backcountry, along those train tracks in the valley, beneath the great red rock 

A question posed: Do I return? 

We can't go back 

How do you want to move forward 

I feel like I'm withering here 

A trip to the Adirondacks cancelled 

A back once again seized with pain 

Two industrial boxes of pads 

Wanting to run away with you 

Wanting to run away 

Please know that I am not this way with anyone else 

The yearning, I can't stand it 

I need the snow, the expanse, the climb and the rush 

It's feeling so heavy 

That has never been right 

My past, I worked so hard to move away from it 

Would you go adventuring with me? 

I needed to come back here to see 

My parents cannot love me 

I have been dishonest with myself

I have struggled more than I ever cared to share 

He is devoted to the cat 

Releasing allows space for a new breath and a new future 

I'm beginning to embrace the more delicate songs 

Maybe I don't need to rage all the time 

I don't want the trappings 

I want the joy 

Come on you looney toon, get in