Saturday, December 31, 2022

That's kombucha for ya


Balsamic dressing on the thigh of my gray sweatpants

Cooking and ceremony 

This has been the year of transformation, but not in the ways I'd expected 

A lot has come to light

Things are not as I thought they were or would be 

What I do with that information is up to me 

It begins with being honest 

What tins are in here? 

Are you thinking of me? 

Our friends are growing up 

They have allowed each other to evolve and I should, maybe, do the same 

I should stop doubting that my feelings have a reason for existing 

Am I the only one who remembers what we used to be like? Do I assign too much weight to it? 

Not gospel, but data 

Eating a banana on new year's eve

New year's day hike, then bonfire 

Soon enough I will no longer be biologically capable of having children 

It's time for a reckoning 

Across the gulfs of grief 

What do you need to burn? 

It's time to make biscuits