palms to the wall
blacking out in the bed
I'm glad to know: there's hunger in me yet
How quickly I move in and out of limerence
I don't want to dye my hair pink but I do want to live in a world where people can, and they can still be taken seriously
Five and a half miles around the circumference of the lake
At the teach-in
At the slide of silver linings
At the time for your efforts is now, and also then, but certainly
Every new thing I learn about my country's maneuverings abroad is more horrifying than the last horrifying thing that I learned
Perhaps we deserve our suffering
Similarly, those eighteen months: a progression of horrors
I am ashamed to tell you how horrible it was
For their part, my siblings continue not to do their part
For the claim that he was making art, I have fired my therapist
I get massages instead, teasing out all the emotions I've stashed in my shoulders, tucked into my hips, stuffed deep in the center of my left calf
After the hike I eat a large salad with chicken
I stretch
I watch a comedy show
For 21 minutes I remember how to laugh
Of course, I overdid it
Prickling my flesh
I rip the hoodie off
My favorite part of today was when she wanted to help me garden
This week I am struggling to feel happy even when I'm with people whose company I typically very much enjoy. A lot of the time I'm faking a good time. So far one person has called me out on this. I'm grateful for it.
Another one of those spiral epiphanies: I am afraid that other people will find me too much
I'm textbook
Gag me with a spoon
Fantasizing in the bathtub
Early years with the faucet
Most especially I don't want them to know the litany of traumas
Who wouldn't be repelled by someone as broken as me
Some people are saying
Child, remember to breathe
I think it's time to admit that I'm unlikely to develop the hobby of crocheting my own clothes
Frankly I just like knitting scarves, and then only rarely
Treat yourself to tallow!
I will try to remain resolute about the fact that anything can happen
He can't figure me out
Past the kumquats, she read it on a sign
Just change two letters
Stay focused on what you want for your own life
At the membership desk a decorous woman replaced my Dad's name with my own
We walked the brown meadow until my mother got hungry
We walked through one glass building and then another
I told her what the dots were for
I forget sometimes how little she believes me
One of the bonsai is approximately 800 years old
We walked to the lake but the water was gone
What is the eye without water
We are little but flesh and bone
I work for a few hours, then head to the garden
On the way there a man leers at me from a van at a stoplight
I glare into him and he doesn't stop
They are emboldened
Fifteen years ago on the streets of happy valley: so skinny and weak, and all the young men leering
I have not missed being prey
At the garden I chop and rake and bend and scoop
I drive to the natural food store and buy kale, yogurt, coconut milk, bok choi
When I pull into the driveway I'm too tired to get out of the car
Maybe I will stay here, in the front seat of the Subaru parked in the driveway
I have food to last for days: kale, yogurt, coconut milk, bok choi, a glass jar of concord grape juice
I'll warm myself by the bags of decomposing leaves and garden clippings on the back seat
It is shades of blue and yellow and purple and it hurts to bend it
It hurts to walk
You won't see me limping
I wish I hadn't stopped making music
I'm not sure anybody knows that one of my favorite colors is camel. which is a pretty silly name for a color
The person I most want to fuck right now is Chappell Roan's drummer
I'm sorry if I'm being problematic
I feel like I'm not allowed to say that I was partly living out of a car and sleeping on my friends' couch ten years ago, with less than $340 to my name after I spent my life savings ($3,500 earned over nine years of working) on a Subaru Forester. But the truth of the matter is that I was partly living out of a car and sleeping on my friends' couch ten years ago, with less than $340 to my name. And nowhere else to go.
Now I am lying in a Queen-size bed that I bought for myself in a house that I bought entirely by myself. Then I was making more money than I ever thought possible and now I am making less money on purpose, because I am trying to do more of something meaningful. And in the center of all of that money, and the lack of it, the having more and the having less, is me, a person, who has a name.
I have been fortunate, and I have also been effortful
I have efforted
Here I am another layer into the spiral
Learning again, not surprising and also epiphanic, the same lesson and also different, deeper: If you aren't able to be yourself with people, no matter how many you surround yourself with, you're still alone
Here's the thing
If I open, the longing comes back
I work all morning then take the dog for a walk
For several minutes we watch the roofers
I work all afternoon then lift weights in the back room upstairs
I take a shower
I take the dog to her agility class
I drive home with the windows down
I get lost in the dark in a corporate complex
Back at home, I rub coconut oil into my scalp. My hair is instantly oily
I watch another 40 minutes of insights for restoring the canopied landscape
I eat samosas and riced cauliflower to quiet the yearning
I had suppressed how much I wanted somebody to want to see
You get to a certain point and you realize you made some mistakes
In my case I suppressed awakeness for accomplishment, intimacy for the fear of being alone
I understand why my Dad started playing the drums
Finally, I can feel winter approaching
For the first day this season the bird bath sits empty
The branches, most of them, are bare
The leaves that remain dangling are crinkled and brown
The sky is gray
I go outside in a hoodie and a thick fleece, and I'm still cold
When we walk beside the river, Suzie skips most of her favorite swimming spots
Then we come upon her friend Sage, and together the dogs run headlong into the water
We sat in the church and he cried
They said they'd stand with us, but I couldn't believe it
Even my friends abandoned me
The minister says there's a little hope fledgling at the bottom of the box, ready to take flight
He is well-intentioned
The minister's assistant cites Dante's Inferno
She says she doesn't have much hope
The forest is dark, and the leaves keep falling
She'll try to do good anyway
We leapt from one rock island to another
One of us fell down but soon she was climbing again
We drew on big rocks with smaller rocks, purple and gray and gold
We looked for a red rock but we did not find one
We found leaves as big as their heads
That was really funny
We wrote our names with sticks in the dirt
We drew dirt mountains and volcanoes
We tested different materials by tapping them with a stick. Wood, wood, wood...
Finally, I remembered to dance
Of course there are a lot of factors to consider. For starters, you'd need to make room. You'd need to relocate the blueberries, which you've already planted in the bed where you envision the winterberry taking root. Where would they go? It's possible they'd survive on the hillside in the backyard, though you don't have a hose hooked up back there. Be honest: Would you really water them? Then again, given their propensity for dry soils, would you need to? You were excited about the blueberries when you planted them, and now you're feeling excited, albeit more so, about the winterberry. Before we dismiss this as a case of greener pastures, however, let's consider that you are refining your preferences every day. It's possible the vision you have for your garden these days is different than the vision you once had. You have evolved and you have a keener eye for garden design now than you did then. There's validity to your instinct: The verticality and the parallelism of the winterberry might in fact align better with the bed's shape and location as well as the azalea in the middle of it. The blueberries are useful, and tasty surely, but perhaps a bit squat. It's possible they might not grow large enough to provide everything you need or were looking for when you decided to bring new shrubs into your life. Of course, it's difficult to determine, when weighing the pros and cons of blueberries versus winterberries, whether or not the bush that's already growing in your homestead is superior to the shrub that has enticed you but has not yet proven itself a viable partner to your garden's soil, location, and goals.
It was difficult to find parking
The line is too long
There are two separate lines and it's confusing
The wait will be nearly an hour
No, I don't want to go anywhere else
The restaurant is too loud
It seems like every restaurant is too loud these days
Alas the emails need written
Alas the leaves are piling up against the brick porch
The car's tires are deflating
The meeting is at 10:45
You must prove yourself
The carex needs to be planted
I wish for a time when I could wear black continuously and sit contemplating in a hay field, and everyone would understand