Friday, November 15, 2024



Of course, I overdid it 

Prickling my flesh 

I rip the hoodie off 

My favorite part of today was when she wanted to help me garden 

This week I am struggling to feel happy even when I'm with people whose company I typically very much enjoy. A lot of the time I'm faking a good time. So far one person has called me out on this. I'm grateful for it. 

Another one of those spiral epiphanies: I am afraid that other people will find me too much 

I'm textbook

Gag me with a spoon 

Fantasizing in the bathtub 

Early years with the faucet 

Most especially I don't want them to know the litany of traumas 

Who wouldn't be repelled by someone as broken as me 

Some people are saying 

Child, remember to breathe