I work for a few hours, then head to the garden
On the way there a man leers at me from a van at a stoplight
I glare into him and he doesn't stop
They are emboldened
Fifteen years ago on the streets of happy valley: so skinny and weak, and all the young men leering
I have not missed being prey
At the garden I chop and rake and bend and scoop
I drive to the natural food store and buy kale, yogurt, coconut milk, bok choi
When I pull into the driveway I'm too tired to get out of the car
Maybe I will stay here, in the front seat of the Subaru parked in the driveway
I have food to last for days: kale, yogurt, coconut milk, bok choi, a glass jar of concord grape juice
I'll warm myself by the bags of decomposing leaves and garden clippings on the back seat