Three things that changed me:
1. My Dad suffered
2. My Dad died
3. I learned I am good
Three things I'm grateful for:
1. A handwritten card
2. Woodland flowers
3. Fulfilling work
Two things I yearn for:
1. Real love
2. Restoration
Three things that changed me:
1. My Dad suffered
2. My Dad died
3. I learned I am good
Three things I'm grateful for:
1. A handwritten card
2. Woodland flowers
3. Fulfilling work
Two things I yearn for:
1. Real love
2. Restoration
In the restaurant the window sun glows strong
Sweat forms in the widow's armpits
She hopes he will see
Come evening the dog is too hot
She pants on a red fleece throw
She is practicing self-restraint
It is a work in progress
I could not be at a party right now
Perhaps I've shared too much
I'm trying not to overthink it
My heart is beating so fast
Hey, I'm in trouble
He doesn't know where he is
It might be some kind of bunker
He doesn't know who else is there, but he can hear them
They might be cops
They are plotting to harm him
They are plotting to harm me and my sister
He needs to get out of there
No, he's sure of it
Yes, he can see the TV on the wall
Yes, he can see the curtain to the right of his bedside
Yes, he can see the whiteboard with his name on it
Yes, he can see the date in the upper righthand corner
It is [April.] It is [June.] It is [August.] It is [October.] It is [December.] It is [Christmas Day.] It is [February.] It is [March.] It is [April again.] It is [May.] It is [June, again.] It is [July.]
The large yellow paper magnetized to the board says, fall risk
Dad, do you think I would lie to you?
That's right. I would never lie to you.
So you can trust me when I tell you that you're in the hospital
Yes, really. You're there because you [have sepsis.] You're there because [you went septic again.] You're there because you [were so weakened by the sepsis that you fell and broke your pelvis.] You're there because you [were so weakened by the stroke that was caused by the sepsis that you struggle to swallow, and you've developed aspiration pneumonia after eating dinner one evening.] You're there because you [developed aspiration pneumonia again. It's because you had a stroke. Yes, really. It occurred because you had sepsis.] You're there because you [have aspiration pneumonia again and are going to have a feeding tube installed in your intestine because it's no longer safe for you to eat or drink.] You're there because you [have to undergo emergency surgery because the new feeding tube caused a life-threatening bowel obstruction.] You're there because you [were so weakened by the last year that you're having trouble walking.] You're there because [you've been so weakened by the last year and a half that your heart might be giving out. Actually, your heart is doing okay. Turns out, it's your lungs that can no longer function.]
Everyone you can hear is trying to help you
I guess I just have to trust you
You can trust me.
You are safe. This is really hard. You are so strong
You're going to feel better as soon as we get you home
That's going to be so soon, Dad
I promise
It's been a long time since I've written love poems
I didn't realize how much I believed was over
All my scandals are internal
In the picture of us both what I'm looking at is me
Tenderness is possible
It's morning. You have to go outside
I expect the same kind of dance: kindness followed by its revocation
Is this what all humans do?
I have never been certain that he won't turn on me
Is that normal?
No one has asked me why I like ferns before
I want to show you the person I am now
I can sense what respect looks like
If a door is closed, I won't keep knocking
In truth I've been loving the cold
It's like the deep tissue massage, elbows sunk into flesh
Pressure familiar and, somehow, almost comforting
It hasn't pained me
Not for me to break the silence
In the pocket I wouldn't be visible to others, so they wouldn't think to ask things of me
In the pocket I wouldn't have to see all the things going wrong
In the dark, deep pocket I wouldn't need to make my own warmth
I could curl into yours. I wouldn't feel so cold
Remember, you owe very little here
There is part of you still mindful of how much pain awaits whenever you look up from this
It's sensical
Craving distance from all that suffering
I can't put on rose-colored glasses
I've lived too much hurt
It wouldn't be prudent
in the woods the snow keeps falling
it cradles the banks and swallows the creeksound
the air is a soft wet cloud
the rocks are slick with snowflakes
the stately green hemlocks and the wet-green ferns
soggy oak leaves up to our ankles
so much insect potential
we walk, ask questions, listen
at the confluence, we pause
look up up up the rock face, flakes catching our chins
hop wet rocks across the creek
tread the half-moon trail above the water
we walk until the energy shifts
we all feel it
I'm like a tea bag
swelling in hot water
taut to bursting
I probably shouldn't be doing this
It's the curiosity that's captured me
I don't know if you're fucking with me
Is this what the early stages of addiction feel like
You think, is it really that big of a deal?
You think, how bad could this one time hurt?
You think, don't I deserve a little relief?
I'll just have a little taste
Am I too loyal?
Why am I trying so hard
Is reciprocation possible
Why do so many people seem to not give a shit
Are we so broken?
Is it really that hard to care?
I feel like I'm nothing but caring
It tenses my shoulders, stiffens my inner thighs
Yes he's kind now but what about all the years before this
What about six months from now
Haven't you waited long enough
So much of his growth at my expense
And what about June
Do I ever get a turn to be bad?
I miss my Dad so much
I just want to talk to him
It was your turn, maybe
I won't read too much in to it
I'm trying not to get attached to people or to outcomes
You're on your own, kid
I'm covered in poison ivy
The cat didn't mean it but he scratched my arm and I bled
Can you sit with me and talk this through?
I'm not nomadic any more
The gladiators are juicing
Everything I thought I'd remember I've forgotten
Where are you now and now and now?
I hope the poison doesn't come back
Here is a concrete image to ground you
The concrete is beige and hard to the touch
Is it a problem?
I've mostly stopped dreaming
Am I simply more real now, more resigned to it?
Is that progress or regression
Is this why adults need to spend time with children?
I've grown so much more serious
In the green-green moss garden where water seeps from stones
There is a part of me that still wants to sleep under the stars
Do I remember what it feels like to be alive?
Is the feeling different now?
how many types of sensation am i
how long have i suppressed the longing
how long have i believed it could never be satisfied,
or that i was not permitted to want
all that energy roiling in my stomach
the hunger has awakened. it's ravenous
I feel that old lurch in my stomach —
I'm gonna eat the cream top
The people are noticing
That's the good news
With the tree in the house my whole body feels better
I wish for more time in the trees
I am eating almond flour crackers with my one wild and precious life
I miss the snow
I envision dropping with you into the cave
Never ascribe to malice what could be explained by oblivion
I hate going to their house now; I hate feeling the absence of him
I have grace for my desire to feel something different
Always I am living in the forest
People usually don't know unless you tell them
I. I remember squeezing one of those squishy tube toys as a kid, the rubber lurching out of my hand and the delight of the sensation, how it would wriggle from one palm to the other as I exclaimed for the feel of it
II. On the table there is a moment when I am arching away from the pain, back of my head slipping from the edge as my hands grip the sheets beneath me, and I think how similar this posture is to the experience of pleasure
III. He opens his pants and I take him into my mouth
How quickly I move in and out of limerence
I don't want to dye my hair pink but I do want to live in a world where people can, and they can still be taken seriously
Five and a half miles around the circumference of the lake
At the teach-in
At the slide of silver linings
At the time for your efforts is now, and also then, but certainly
Every new thing I learn about my country's maneuverings abroad is more horrifying than the last horrifying thing that I learned
Perhaps we deserve our suffering
Similarly, those eighteen months: a progression of horrors
I am ashamed to tell you how horrible it was
For their part, my siblings continue not to do their part
For the claim that he was making art, I have fired my therapist
I get massages instead, teasing out all the emotions I've stashed in my shoulders, tucked into my hips, stuffed deep in the center of my left calf
After the hike I eat a large salad with chicken
I stretch
I watch a comedy show
For 21 minutes I remember how to laugh
Of course, I overdid it
Prickling my flesh
I rip the hoodie off
My favorite part of today was when she wanted to help me garden
This week I am struggling to feel happy even when I'm with people whose company I typically very much enjoy. A lot of the time I'm faking a good time. So far one person has called me out on this. I'm grateful for it.
Another one of those spiral epiphanies: I am afraid that other people will find me too much
I'm textbook
Gag me with a spoon
Fantasizing in the bathtub
Early years with the faucet
Most especially I don't want them to know the litany of traumas
Who wouldn't be repelled by someone as broken as me
Some people are saying
Child, remember to breathe
I think it's time to admit that I'm unlikely to develop the hobby of crocheting my own clothes
Frankly I just like knitting scarves, and then only rarely
Treat yourself to tallow!
I will try to remain resolute about the fact that anything can happen
He can't figure me out
Past the kumquats, she read it on a sign
Just change two letters
Stay focused on what you want for your own life
At the membership desk a decorous woman replaced my Dad's name with my own
We walked the brown meadow until my mother got hungry
We walked through one glass building and then another
I told her what the dots were for
I forget sometimes how little she believes me
One of the bonsai is approximately 800 years old
We walked to the lake but the water was gone
What is the eye without water
We are little but flesh and bone
I work for a few hours, then head to the garden
On the way there a man leers at me from a van at a stoplight
I glare into him and he doesn't stop
They are emboldened
Fifteen years ago on the streets of happy valley: so skinny and weak, and all the young men leering
I have not missed being prey
At the garden I chop and rake and bend and scoop
I drive to the natural food store and buy kale, yogurt, coconut milk, bok choi
When I pull into the driveway I'm too tired to get out of the car
Maybe I will stay here, in the front seat of the Subaru parked in the driveway
I have food to last for days: kale, yogurt, coconut milk, bok choi, a glass jar of concord grape juice
I'll warm myself by the bags of decomposing leaves and garden clippings on the back seat
It is shades of blue and yellow and purple and it hurts to bend it
It hurts to walk
You won't see me limping
I wish I hadn't stopped making music
I'm not sure anybody knows that one of my favorite colors is camel. which is a pretty silly name for a color
The person I most want to fuck right now is Chappell Roan's drummer
I'm sorry if I'm being problematic
I feel like I'm not allowed to say that I was partly living out of a car and sleeping on my friends' couch ten years ago, with less than $340 to my name after I spent my life savings ($3,500 earned over nine years of working) on a Subaru Forester. But the truth of the matter is that I was partly living out of a car and sleeping on my friends' couch ten years ago, with less than $340 to my name. And nowhere else to go.
Now I am lying in a Queen-size bed that I bought for myself in a house that I bought entirely by myself. Then I was making more money than I ever thought possible and now I am making less money on purpose, because I am trying to do more of something meaningful. And in the center of all of that money, and the lack of it, the having more and the having less, is me, a person, who has a name.
I have been fortunate, and I have also been effortful
I have efforted
Here I am another layer into the spiral
Learning again, not surprising and also epiphanic, the same lesson and also different, deeper: If you aren't able to be yourself with people, no matter how many you surround yourself with, you're still alone
Here's the thing
If I open, the longing comes back
I work all morning then take the dog for a walk
For several minutes we watch the roofers
I work all afternoon then lift weights in the back room upstairs
I take a shower
I take the dog to her agility class
I drive home with the windows down
I get lost in the dark in a corporate complex
Back at home, I rub coconut oil into my scalp. My hair is instantly oily
I watch another 40 minutes of insights for restoring the canopied landscape
I eat samosas and riced cauliflower to quiet the yearning
I had suppressed how much I wanted somebody to want to see
You get to a certain point and you realize you made some mistakes
In my case I suppressed awakeness for accomplishment, intimacy for the fear of being alone
I understand why my Dad started playing the drums
Finally, I can feel winter approaching
For the first day this season the bird bath sits empty
The branches, most of them, are bare
The leaves that remain dangling are crinkled and brown
The sky is gray
I go outside in a hoodie and a thick fleece, and I'm still cold
When we walk beside the river, Suzie skips most of her favorite swimming spots
Then we come upon her friend Sage, and together the dogs run headlong into the water
We sat in the church and he cried
They said they'd stand with us, but I couldn't believe it
Even my friends abandoned me
The minister says there's a little hope fledgling at the bottom of the box, ready to take flight
He is well-intentioned
The minister's assistant cites Dante's Inferno
She says she doesn't have much hope
The forest is dark, and the leaves keep falling
She'll try to do good anyway
We leapt from one rock island to another
One of us fell down but soon she was climbing again
We drew on big rocks with smaller rocks, purple and gray and gold
We looked for a red rock but we did not find one
We found leaves as big as their heads
That was really funny
We wrote our names with sticks in the dirt
We drew dirt mountains and volcanoes
We tested different materials by tapping them with a stick. Wood, wood, wood...
Finally, I remembered to dance
Of course there are a lot of factors to consider. For starters, you'd need to make room. You'd need to relocate the blueberries, which you've already planted in the bed where you envision the winterberry taking root. Where would they go? It's possible they'd survive on the hillside in the backyard, though you don't have a hose hooked up back there. Be honest: Would you really water them? Then again, given their propensity for dry soils, would you need to? You were excited about the blueberries when you planted them, and now you're feeling excited, albeit more so, about the winterberry. Before we dismiss this as a case of greener pastures, however, let's consider that you are refining your preferences every day. It's possible the vision you have for your garden these days is different than the vision you once had. You have evolved and you have a keener eye for garden design now than you did then. There's validity to your instinct: The verticality and the parallelism of the winterberry might in fact align better with the bed's shape and location as well as the azalea in the middle of it. The blueberries are useful, and tasty surely, but perhaps a bit squat. It's possible they might not grow large enough to provide everything you need or were looking for when you decided to bring new shrubs into your life. Of course, it's difficult to determine, when weighing the pros and cons of blueberries versus winterberries, whether or not the bush that's already growing in your homestead is superior to the shrub that has enticed you but has not yet proven itself a viable partner to your garden's soil, location, and goals.
It was difficult to find parking
The line is too long
There are two separate lines and it's confusing
The wait will be nearly an hour
No, I don't want to go anywhere else
The restaurant is too loud
It seems like every restaurant is too loud these days
Alas the emails need written
Alas the leaves are piling up against the brick porch
The car's tires are deflating
The meeting is at 10:45
You must prove yourself
The carex needs to be planted
I wish for a time when I could wear black continuously and sit contemplating in a hay field, and everyone would understand
I hadn't known how he died
He tried to rape a woman
The bullet pierced his heart
The funeral home leaked
The horse show isn't what it used to be
So many people abandon their origins to memory
I left so many times
I'm here because I still think it's important
The 4-H clubs and the pony shows and the equine therapy
We're all different with each other and in different places
Is anyone who they claim to be
Is it fair to expect it?
How do you judge a person?
I like him on the table but what's he like at home at 10pm on a Tuesday
For example
My idol is a woman who conducted herself with integrity always, was kind to children, held others to a high-but-fair standard, and did good in her community. She didn't have a storied resume. She wasn't famous and she didn't need to be. Salt of the earth.
It's not that it's dark
It's blank
Force yourself up, say fuck, work all day, try to catch up on chores, fall further behind
Do it again
My Dad's book said, Chop wood. Carry water.
There can be dignity here.
I do not embody it.
My Dad is I refuse to write it.
In my mind I'm drunk and chain smoking on the bank of a river
I write the script / I am drinking
I draft the report / I am drinking
I tend the garden / cigarette smoke seeps from the hair follicles on my arms
Externally she is keeping things together
Her Mom never missed a day of work
Are you getting back to normal?
It has been three months.
It has been so long.
I do not remember what normal felt like.
Is gratitude the same as joy?
I'm so fucking sad
Suzie Q
Suzie McQuzy
Suze McQ
The Baby
Beepy Deep
Beepy Deeps
Beepy Deepy
Beepsy Boo
Angel Baby
Honey Baby
Sweet Honey Girl
Sweetie Patootie
Cutie Patootie
Sweet Little Angel
Angel Girl
Girly Whirly
Beepsy Boppity Boo
These people are sick
A perversion of care
Action eclipsed by fawning
I did ask for it
Help, I mean
It never came and it never came and it never came
They feign oblivion—
Who benefits?
It's not the water snake you have to watch out for
It's the frog
Two egrets stand alone in a cascade of water
When everyone has changed the subject
You are the one who remains
At least it's Milkshake Monday
After coating myself in P. incanum oils
Earthy and redolent
We walked the dog through the woods and played with her in the creek
I make the points and then I stop
The deer have eaten my Fragaria
I can see now that you were unavailable
Back on the bike again
Only eleven easy miles, drizzly and wonderful
Soon enough we'll be looping the big ascent
I have developed some parasocial relationships
Feels good to know more of what I'm doing
I no longer feel unmoored
I do feel, perhaps, a little rudderless
Still, she is planting
It takes years to know what's really taken root
The goslings are getting so big
Am I supposed to apologize for being cheesy? I mean it
Remember when I lived in Queens? I ran through Astoria Park several times a week
The students and I stroll slowly through the rainy gardens, sit describing a bromeliad in the internationally renowned conservatory
I wish the mountains didn't feel so far away
Tomorrow I will tend the native garden as children play around me
Last Friday I waded knee-deep into creek water and splashed about with my dogs
The wolf pads silently through the forest
On Sunday I'll learn about birdsong
Time zones have aligned
Two dogs whoofing sleep breaths out their nostrils
He mounted the horse and he rode it
I feel like a shaken baby
We walked a horseshoe inside the creek
The weekend started out strong
Now I'm counseling psychosis
I have some experience with people who are out of their minds
Mine is not the steadiest ground
Driving back roads through the country
Water stretching beyond, beyond —
It's so pretty here
Does the onslaught ever stop
He held up a mirror and I looked so sad
The clarity of knowing how to canoe
The confidence of having directly sowed the lettuce seed
Tomatoes happily growing
Downy wood mint coming into bloom
Avoiding the hitch that hooks me to his star
Remember when I planted swamp milkweed in the dry dark?
Oh remember that ghastly comment made from ignorance
Remember how you got stitched into his sweater and nearly lost your mind on the office floor
Now the winterberry sets itself to thriving
Now you align the green hull with the bobbing dock, perfectly and on the first try
You stand in your garden in socks and sandals and harvest a bowl full of strawberries
At last I've made it
Shin-deep in the creek
The fray of whitewater bouncing
down the waterfall
How long it took to get here
Lost in the Harrisburg suburbs
Too high to read the cardinal directions
Shot through aluminum
Bushwhacking to the water
That maroon knit coat
One large boulder becomes a talus field at twelve thousand feet
Jogging past ancient pines
I only wear technical jackets —
Down fill power, nylon ripstop, wind and waterproofing
I was so embarrassed
I thought you loved me
Today the dog plunges into the water after a buoyant yellow stick
Today my toe hurts after slamming it, bare, into a birch root
Today I climbed down to the water alone
Today you are merely a ghost
The steering wheel, a reminder
We are all struggling to grow
The struggle is part of the growth, I mean
Every other time I've hunted out my own failures
Arrived apologizing, first fingers then bed
Did the research
Sorted things out
Prepared the plan for moving forward
This time I'm simply taking care of me
Absent of animosity
A kind of freedom
Oh Mt. Sopris —
Wind, horse
When it thunders, the birds don't stop singing
Do I judge you, of course
But also, I understand
I did it too
Now that we're clear
I'm moving on
Watching the dogs wade into cold creek water
Eddies around their brown and black legs
Digging up liriope
Planting heuchera and sedges
He rakes leaves and small branches
I take off my hat, unzip my vest
The dogs run together
That wildlife sign a reminder of friendship
Bought some toilet paper
Sanitized the tub
Vacuumed the upstairs carpets
Turned myself into a gray rock
Turned myself back into a person
Drove to the doughnut shop
Waxed poetic about ceramic mugs
Laid on my side in the fetal position, gripping my ginger tea
And what of tomorrow?
Whatever happens, I'll prioritize feeling
The sharp elderly woman in the grocery store aisle who joked with me about how we both hold our pee too long
The smiling man holding the door for me as I wheeled my cart out of the seed store
The boy who told me wistfully, over and over again as he followed his mom into the creek, that my dogs are so cute
Perhaps I am not often vulnerable
Perhaps I get that, to a certain extent, from and perhaps to a certain extent I had that forced upon me by her
Fancying myself a coach, I ceased to practice
I remember driving past the cemetery, shocked by the abjectness of getting a tattoo
Memories—those sometimes awful things—
also help tether me here
Also, saying it out loud
In the woods by the water she plunged her face in
Yes the incapacity is devastating, and still—
We are raising a creature, together
See how magical
I'm not concerned that I felt it, at least
That's not my primary concern
I am alarmed by how quickly it's gone
Like a leaf boat released into the sloshing gutter
I wish you well
Now it's morning and you are inside of me
Just you, just me
I never thought I could enjoy weekends like this
After the poetry workshop I water all the plants
We tromp the dogs through a field in snow squall
Later we'll drag the big bed to the curb
You'll eat a turkey sub while standing in the garage
If I cannot talk to him I can talk with myself
Aren't I just as worthy of it?
The pink flamingo shirt wedges between the dresser and the wall
The squirrels are flying
Flashes of that intersection
On the way to the hospital
So much horror and no one to share it with
Of course I'm skirting the issue
Honestly, I feel relieved
The mountain painting reflects from the large wooden mirror
The loons bob on the surface of the lake
I'm not disappointed but I am a little mad
The truth has set me free
Without limerence, what's left
It's been a long day and I need to retreat
sitting on the big blue chair in the back room upstairs
silken pajama pants and a loose, long-sleeved shirt
I'm sick again
a condition of cognitive obsession
I'm only just starting to come to grips with what it means
Is all angst merely chemistry?
Compulsion, obsession, and lack of control
So much of what was presented to me as spirituality was poison
I was susceptible because I was sick
All my distortions were subliminal
What I'm trying to say is
This may be caused by low levels of serotonin in the brain
I've forgotten how to relax again
Pay attention to your breathing
Feel the rise and fall of your stomach
Soften your shoulders
For a second --
Then everything braced again
This year, so hard, has softened me
I am toughened and suppler, like leather
every time he rolls past me with his giant googly eyes, i want to tackle him to the floor. i want to hand the $30,000 it took to buy him to a human being who will use the money to pay rent and who will open another checkout lane when the line is backed up halfway down the baking aisle. i want to rip his googly eyes off. i want to beat his plastic head in. it's not a head. it's plastic.
the only time i felt for him was the day he tried to escape
My heart —
it closed
back on skis again
ever sad and ever lonely
I held my father's hand each time that he cried
As a child, sick
Lying on my side on the brown couch in the basement
He brought me peach fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt, gently stirred
He brought me orange juice diluted with water
He'd bring me whole wheat toast, pat of butter in the center
I see how deeply I have been loved even as I've felt so unloved
I see how unloved I was even as I've been told I'm so loved
I don't know if I can bring myself to care any more. I'm so tired of feeling hurt.
I'm sorry for equivocating. The cigarette poem was about exactly what you thought.
For a while I fancied myself far braver than I actually was.
I'm a more honest person now. I've suffered for it.
I look skyward into big, wet flakes
The fencerail sparkles
Small crystals cling to the tiny blond hairs on my cheeks
He looks like you and I can't get it out of my head —
How much I wanted you